Update as to my whereabouts!
So, you may have noticed that it has been awhile since my last blog post. The reason is because I received an offer to return to the classroom that I couldn’t pass up. I began teaching 5th grade a few weeks ago and it has totally taken up any free time I have. I used to teach middle school, and this is a whole different adventure!
I teach all subjects throughout the day, and was kind of just dropped into a classroom after almost 2 months of students having barely any actual learning and pretty much no discipline. To say it has been challenging is an understatement! Not only is it a mental drain that has me almost talking gibberish after the students are dismissed because my brain has been overused and scrambled by end of day, but…
The school is also very large! So, in addition to the mental strain and drain, I have gone from walking a few miles a week, to walking a few miles a day including multiple stair climbs! I am not the most in shape person, so I have had some major pains coupled with my usual chronic pain that has been a little debilitating these first couple weeks. I am hoping to adjust mentally and physically very soon, but having only been focused on Spanish Cover Crochet for the last (almost) 2 years definitely didn’t prepare me for being back in a classroom!
What is in store for Spanish Cover Crochet?
In the coming months, I am sure that I will be able to get back into the swing of things at school and it will not take all my free time up! At least, that’s the hope! In addition to this, my husband and I are looking for a new home and may be moving by the end of this year. That will also take up some time, so I am definitely grateful for the upcoming school holidays!
Currently, I have several projects in testing that my always awesome testers are checking over and crocheting for us. I am currently trying to finish a large Christmas themed blanket that I absolutely love and the husband has already claimed! I can’t wait to show it to you! It will also be offered in the interlocking crochet method as well! I was hoping on publishing this week so anyone who wanted to purchase could have a head start on finishing- but I am not sure that I can complete the last 100 rows that fast! I will try, though!
So, as far as patterns, I have 12 tests currently in cue: some Day of the Dead stuff that should be fun, some Christmas patterns that I still need tested/crocheted, and some other random patterns waiting to be tested. I know that I will need the relaxation and fun of drawing/designing soon, so I will probably draw some new designs soon. If you would like to become a tester, please let me know. I have an application in the facebook group, and have a dedicated testing team group. Though my testers are so very helpful, they can’t test every pattern, so I am always accepting apps from those who would like to test my patterns. Find out more in my facebook group: Spanish Clover Crochet.
I hope to be able to bring more contests and giveaways this month- my favorite month of the year for so many reasons! I thank you for sticking with me as I readjust to being a teacher again and continue designing and running everything to do with Spanish Clover Crochet!
A very small and sorta blurry sneak peak of a current test of something I really love!